GOSU Assistant

You've picked a new champion, but have no idea how to play it? GOSU Assistant will help you solve this problem! From now, you don't need to read guides or watch Youtube. Runes, Item builds, Tricks and Tactical tips will be vocalized to you during the match absolutely for FREE. All information is duplicated in a convenient overlay and complemented by in-game statistics, so you won't miss anything. Hurry up, start a new match, and GOSU Assistant will help you win!

Runes, Summoner spells and Item builds for your champion are generated based on the builds of high-skilled players and will be imported automatically. If you don’t like something, you can always disable this option in the application settings.

GOSU Voice Assistant will tell you which spell to learn, the way skills work, and how to use them with maximum efficiency.

At what point in the game should I kill dragons? Is it worth pushing a tower, making a gank or continuing to farm? GOSU AI Assistant predicts these questions to give you an answer in advance.

You can compare your KDA, CS and Net Worth for the selected champion with the players of your skill level using the in-game statistics in the overlay. It's also possible to check which team has an advantage based on the value of the inventory. Create your game plan and destroy the enemy, good luck!

Official website GOSU.AI

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